1. Birthweight : data consists of 24 weight measurements from infants born in the hospital.
2. Mice : Interest in the response to a drug, total 26 mice
3. Smoking and childhood obesity : data consist of repeated body weights and indicators of obesity for a random subsample of girls from the Collaborative Perinatal Project (CPP). (variable key)
4. Warp Breaks: Data set gives the number of breaks in yarn per loom during weaving, where a loom corresponds to a fixed length of yarn.
5. DDE and Preterm Delivery Dataset: Data from the Longnecker et al. (2001, Lancet) study relating maternal serum concentration of the DDE metabolite DDE and preterm and small-for-gestational-age babies at birth. [Variable key: x=dde dose, y=indicator preterm birth, z1-z5 = potential "confounders"]